• Welcome new employees/residents to Sioux Center
• Share the “Sioux Center Story” and what makes our community unique
• Provide leadership or skill training for employees
• Market and increase your business’ exposure to new clients
• Provide small or temporary startup business space and resources

Room for employee training, workshops & networking events
Your donation helps build a hub for professionals to connect, learn and collaborate, broadening your network and growing your employees’ skill sets.

Incubator Area & Small Flex Office Space
Our vision includes a facility to draw and retain local talent with flexible office spaces and an incubator area for start-ups to kickstart their journey.

A Warm Welcome
The new building will serve as a welcoming center that celebrates the unique story and history of Sioux Center.

High Visibility
Our new location offers high visibility and easy access, making it convenient for residents, visitors, and professionals. We actively direct inquiries to you, helping attract more customers and clients.

Support your community
Show your dedication to Sioux Center's business community by engaging in important projects to enhance your brand and establish a lasting legacy, securing your place in Sioux Center's future growth.

Continued Growth
Room to grow in both staff and services offered to our members, accommodating the next generation for expansion and supporting ongoing economic development and tourism initiatives.
Business Partners

712 Nutrition



American State Bank

B&B Plumbing & Heating

Beaver Eye Care

Brommer Sanitation

Casey's Bakery

Center Benefits

Center Fresh Group

Children's Dental

Compass Construction


Cooperative Credit Company

CR Lawn



Dordt University

Down 2 Earth

Driesen Eye Center


Epic Realty


Farmers Coop

Firm Foundation

Fresh Wash

Furniture Mart

Ground Effects



Joes TV Appliance

Kooima Kooima Varilek Trading

Kroese & Kroese

Leadership Sioux Center

Link Manufacturing

M Design & Promotion

Mike's Lawn Care Service

Mouw Motor

Myers Pest Control

Neal Chase

New Tec

North West REC

Northwest Bank

Oleson + Hobbie

Peoples Bank

Perdue Premium Meat Company

Perspective Insurance

P&H Wholesale

Pottebaum & Van Bruggen CPA

Premier Communications



Schelling Construction

Scwebach Tree

Service Truck Int

Sioux Center

SC Dental

Sioux Center Health

Snap Fitness

Snieder Insurance

The Spa Room

The Planning Firm

The Travel Advantage

Team Realty

Ten Kredit

Trans Ova

Tri State Pumping

Van Brugg W

Van Eng

Van Holland

Vander Berg

R&F VanVoorst

Ver Hoef Automotive

Vision Builders

Vision Realty

Wireless World

Wood Fuller
Community Partners
Donna Walstra & Family
W. Dale and Karen Den Herder
Vern & Barb Beernink